
This is what you’ll need to run clashcallerbot-reddit ASAP. clashcallerbot-reddit is developed on various Linux distros, so Installation is assumed to be on Linux.

We’ll cover installing into Python and running the scripts directly.


Python:clashcallerbot-reddit is a massive python script, so at least Python 3.6 is needed.
Pip:Configuring python is easiest using pip. Once pip is installed, the requirements can be installed by running pip install -r requirements.txt from within the source code directory.
MySQL:clashcallerbot-reddit uses a MySQL-compatible database to store calls and to keep track of comments that were replied to. Either MySQL or MariaDB can be used.

With these prerequisites met, clashcallerbot-reddit can be set up and run.

Python Installation

You’re a brave one. This method is arguably faster; however, including a setup.py file is merely convention. This method will install the internal modules into the Python environment so that they can be called directly as programs.


First, add the bot’s reddit metadata to praw-example.ini and rename to praw.ini, then add the database’s root and desired bot user credentials to database-example.ini and rename to database.ini. Then, create a logs directory by entering mkdir ./logs in a terminal window.

Next, change the following line in clashcallerbotreddit.database

    # Create the clashcaller database
    database = ClashCallerDatabase(config_file=config, root_user=False)

to database = ClashCallerDatabase(config_file=config, root_user=True). This may get updated to be default later.


Once the database script is set up, clashcallerbot-reddit can be installed by entering:

python3 setup.py install

from within the source code directory. Now that clashcallerbot-reddit is installed, scripts can be run from terminal directly. First, we configure the the MySQL-compatible database by running clashcallerbotreddit.database in terminal:


Now, the bot can be started by calling clashcallerbotreddit.search and clashcallerbotreddit.reply:

nohup reply > /dev/null 2>&1 &
nohup search > /dev/null 2>&1 &


This will not check for already running instances! Any running instances would have to be terminated manually. Instances will appear with process names search and reply.

Running Scripts Directly

Not gonna lie, I’m a run scripts directly kind of guy. IMO, it’s less hassle and more secure to do so, but YMMV.


First, add the bot’s reddit metadata to praw-example.ini and rename to praw.ini, then add the database’s root and desired bot user credentials to database-example.ini and rename to database.ini. Then, create a logs directory by entering mkdir ./logs in a terminal window.

Next, change the following line in clashcallerbotreddit.database

    # Create the clashcaller database
    database = ClashCallerDatabase(config_file=config, root_user=False)

to database = ClashCallerDatabase(config_file=config, root_user=True). This may get updated to be default later.

Now, the MySQL-compatible database can be set up by running clashcallerbotreddit.database directly from within terminal:

python3 -m clashcallerbotreddit.database


Once the database is set up, the bot can be run by calling clashcallerbotreddit.search and clashcallerbotreddit.reply directly from within terminal:

python3 -m clashcallerbotreddit.search && python3 -m clashcallerbotreddit.reply

Alternatively, by running the provided bash script from within terminal:



  • Remember to set executable mode with chmod +x ./clashcallerbot.sh.
  • Script assumes files are in the clashcallerbotreddit directory and is run as crontab in Amazon Linux AMI Setup.
  • How often to run as a crontab depends on how long you want the bot to be down/broken.
  • If you have access to root, check Installation for info on setting up systemd instead.
  • Logfile can be removed if not necessary (remove variable and >> $logfile).
  • python3 can be replaced with relevant python version.
  • The function in kill returns all script PIDs, so it must be restarted.
  • If you have access to pidof, you can avoid killing all script instances.


A bash script is provided to restart both scripts and can be run from within terminal:



  • Remember to set executable mode with chmod +x ./restart.sh
  • Script assumes files are in the clashcallerbotreddit directory.
  • If you have access to root, check Installation for info on setting up systemd instead.
  • Logfile can be removed if not necessary (remove variable and >> $logfile).
  • python3 can be replaced with relevant python version.
  • The function in kill returns all script PIDs, so it must be restarted.
  • If you have access to pidof, you can avoid killing all script instances.


A bash script is also provided for updating both scripts and can be run directly from within terminal:



  • Don’t forget to set executable mode with chmod +x ./update.sh.
  • The -f and -q switches silence outputs to certain degrees.