No Root Setup ============= For my first attempt at a production version, I got a shared host running CloudLinux OS that does not provide root access, but has both Python and MySQL pre-installed. What system you install to is your choice, but this setup assumes a CloudLinux OS without root access and with both Python and MySQL installed. Everything is run from terminal (ssh compatible). .. note:: If you have multiple Python versions, replace ``python`` and ``pip`` with your version, e.g., ``python2.7 --user``, ``pip2.7 install --user -U pip wheel``. Since root is not available, pip needs to be installed locally. :: wget && python --user To ``~/.bashrc``, add ``PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin`` and ``PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/.local/lib/python/site-packages/``, then run ``source ~./bashrc`` to apply changes. Next, update pip and wheel,:: pip install --user -U pip wheel Then, `set up the needed environment `_. From within the virtual environment, run:: pip install --user praw From within the MySQL prompt, setup the database itself. :: CREATE DATABASE db_name; USE db_name; CREATE TABLE message_table (id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, permalink VARCHAR(100), message VARCHAR(100), new_date DATETIME, userID VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY(id)); ALTER TABLE message_table AUTO_INCREMENT=1; CREATE TABLE comment_table (id MEDIUMINT NOT NULL, list VARCHAR(35), PRIMARY KEY(id)); INSERT INTO comment_table VALUES (1, "'0'"); GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES, LOCK TABLES ON db_name.* TO 'botname'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; Now that MySQL is setup, install more dependencies. :: source clashcallerbot-reddit/bin/activate # set virtual environment, if needed pip install --user mysql-connector Start, redirect output, and background process. :: source clashcallerbot-reddit/bin/activate # set virtual environment, if needed nohup python -m clashcallerbotreddit.reply > /dev/null 2>&1 & nohup python -m > /dev/null 2>&1 & .. tip:: Alternatively, use `systemd service `_.