Source code for src.ch01.practice.p2_poor_bar_chart

"""Takes a sentence as input and returns a 'bar chart' of each letter."""
import pprint
from collections import defaultdict
from src.ch01.practice import FREQ_ANALYSIS_ERROR, PRINT_BAR_CHART_ERROR

[docs]def freq_analysis(sentence: str) -> dict: """Perform frequency analysis of letters in sentence. Iterate through each letter in the sentence and add it to a dictionary of lists using :py:class:`collections.defaultdict`. Args: sentence (str): String to count letters of. Returns: :py:class:`~collections.defaultdict` with each letter as keys and a :py:obj:`list` with letters repeated based on their frequency as values. Example: >>> from src.ch01.practice.p2_poor_bar_chart import freq_analysis >>> test = 'aaabbbccc' >>> freq_analysis(test) defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'a': ['a', 'a', 'a'], 'b': ['b', 'b', 'b'], 'c': ['c', 'c', 'c']}) Raises: TypeError: If **sentence** is not a string. """ if not isinstance(sentence, str): raise TypeError(FREQ_ANALYSIS_ERROR) # Add each letter to a list with collections.defaultdict output = defaultdict(list) for letter in sentence: if not letter.isalpha(): continue if letter.isupper(): letter = letter.lower() output[letter].append(letter) return output
[docs]def main(): """Demonstrates the Poor Bar Chart.""" print('This is an Affordable Bar Chart.\n') twister = 'Sally sells seashells by the seashore.' print(f'Analyzing: {twister}\n') print_bar_chart(freq_analysis(twister)) print('\nIf you tilt your head to the right, the letter "s" is the most ' 'frequent, followed by "e" and "l".')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()