Source code for src.ch02.c1_recursive_palindrome

"""Recursively determine if a word is a palindrome."""

[docs]def recursive_ispalindrome(word: str) -> bool: """Recursively check if a word is a palindrome. Args: word (str): String to check palindrome-ness. Returns: :py:obj:`True` if the word is a palindrome, :py:obj:`False` otherwise. Raises: TypeError: If **word** is not a string. """ if not isinstance(word, str): raise TypeError(RECURSIVE_ISPALINDROME_ERROR) # Base case: if no letters or one letter, return True. if len(word) <= 1: return True # Recursive loop: if first and last letters are different, return False. # Otherwise, remove the first and last letters and call function again. if word[0] == word[-1]: return recursive_ispalindrome(word[1:-1]) return False
[docs]def main(word: str = None) -> None: """Demonstrate the recursive palindrome tester. This is only supposed to be a demo, but coverage necessitates excessiveness. Args: word (str): Word to test if it is a palindrome. Returns: :py:obj:`None`. Identifies **word** as a palindrome. """ print('I\'m a recursive palindrome tester.\n' 'I basically call on myself repeatedly to check if a string is a ' 'palindrome.\n' 'Incidentally, my favorite food is Random Access Memory.\n') if word is None: word = 'rotor' print(f'Analyzing: {word}\n') if recursive_ispalindrome(word): print(f'I do declare that "{word}" is a palindrome!\n') else: print(f'I\'m afraid that "{word}" isn\'t a palindrome 😞')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()