Source code for src.ch04.practice.p2_identify_cipher

"""Identify letter transposition or substitution cipher."""
from collections import Counter

[docs]def identify_cipher(ciphertext: str, threshold: float) -> bool: """Identify letter transposition or substitution cipher. Compare most frequent letters in **ciphertext** with the most frequent letters in the English alphabet. If above **threshold**, it is a letter transposition cipher. If not, it is a letter substitution cipher. Args: ciphertext (str): Encrypted message to identify. threshold (float): Percent match in decimal form. Returns: :py:obj:`True` if the **ciphertext** is a letter transposition cipher. :py:obj:`False` otherwise. """ most_freq = 'etaoinshrdlu' # Convert most frequent English letters into a Counter. english_freq = Counter(most_freq) # Identify most frequent letters in ciphertext and convert into Counter. ciphertext_freq = Counter([i[0] for i in Counter(ciphertext.replace(' ', '')) .most_common(len(most_freq))]) # Find letters that they have in common. intersection = english_freq & ciphertext_freq # Count letters they had in common. count = len(intersection.keys()) if count / len(most_freq) >= threshold: return True return False
[docs]def is_transposition(ciphertext: str) -> bool: """Identify letter transposition cipher. Wrapper for :func:`identify_cipher`. **threshold** defaults to ``0.75``. Args: ciphertext (str): Encrypted message to identify. Returns: :py:obj:`True` if the **ciphertext** is a letter transposition cipher. :py:obj:`False` otherwise. """ return identify_cipher(ciphertext, 0.75)
[docs]def is_substitution(ciphertext: str) -> bool: """Identify letter substitution cipher. Wrapper for :func:`identify_cipher`. **threshold** defaults to ``0.45``. Args: ciphertext (str): Encrypted message to identify. Returns: :py:obj:`True` if the **ciphertext** is a letter substitution cipher. :py:obj:`False` otherwise. """ return not identify_cipher(ciphertext, 0.45)
[docs]def main(ciphertext: str = None) -> None: """Demonstrate the cipher identifier. This is only supposed to be a demo, but coverage necessitates excessiveness. Args: ciphertext (str): Encrypted letter transposition or letter substitution cipher to demonstrate. Returns: :py:obj:`None`. Identifies **ciphertext**'s cipher. """ print('I can tell the difference between a letter transposition cipher ' 'and a letter\nsubstitution cipher - like those used in decoder ' 'rings. Sorry-not-sorry that\nyou collected all those box tops.\n') if ciphertext is None: # Used key of XCTJYGPIUWMQBDESOLKZNHFRVA in Al Sweigart's # Cracking Codes with Python ciphertext = 'ziy yxpqy ixk qxdjyj cnz ziy dykz uk ybszv' print(f'Testing cipher: {ciphertext}\n') if is_substitution(ciphertext): print('I hereby decree that this is a pitiable attempt at a ' 'substitution cipher.\n') else: print('Hmm, I declare this is a pathetic attempt at a transposition ' 'cipher.\n')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()