Source code for src.ch04.practice.p3_get_keys

"""Get route cipher key from user and store as dictionary.

    Assumes vertical cipher routes.


[docs]def key_to_dict(keys: list) -> dict: """Convert route cipher key to dictionary. Take a route cipher key in list format where integers are column numbers and positive/negative is the route direction and convert to a dictionary where the column numbers are keys and the route direction as ``up``/``down`` are the values. Args: keys (list): List of integers with direction as positive/negative. Returns: Integers keys and ``up``/``down`` as values. """ dictionary = dict() for key in keys: if key < 0: # Negative key is 'down' dictionary[abs(key)] = 'down' else: # Positive key is 'up' dictionary[key] = 'up' return dictionary
[docs]def get_keys() -> list: """Get route cipher keys from user. User only has to enter positive/negative integers. Each gets added to a list and returned when the user has no other keys to add. Returns: List of integers as column numbers and positive/negative values as route direction. """ cols = int(input('How many columns? ')) keys = [] while len(keys) < cols: key = int(input('Enter a signed integer key: ')) keys.append(key) print(f'\nThis is the route cipher key: {keys}\n') return keys
[docs]def main(): """Demonstrate getting route cipher keys from the user.""" print('I can get a route cipher key from you and even turn it into a ' 'dictionary.\nHey, I have my niche!') print('\nFirst, the route cipher key:') keys = get_keys() print('Next, this is the same key as a dictionary:') print(key_to_dict(keys))
if __name__ == '__main__': main()