Source code for src.ch07.c1_breed_rats

"""Efficiently breed rats to an average weight of 50000 grams.

Use genetic algorithm on a mixed population of male and female rats.

import time
import random
import statistics

[docs]class BreedRats: """Efficiently breed rats to an average weight of **target_wt**. Use genetic algorithm on a mixed population of male and female rats. Weights and number of each gender vary and can be set by modifying the following: Args: num_males (int): Number of male rats in population. Default is ``4``. num_females (int): Number of female rats in population. Default is ``16``. target_wt (int): Target weight in grams. Default is ``50000``. gen_limit (int): Generational cutoff to stop breeding program. Default is ``500``. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods # Limit is for instance attributes and public methods are 7 and 20, # but analysis like this requires many constants. # I am opting to make them modifiable in something that is isn't a # dictionary. # If there is a better way, please submit an issue for discussion. def __init__(self, num_males: int = 4, num_females: int = 16, target_wt: int = 50000, gen_limit: int = 500): """Initialize class.""" self._min_wt = 200 self._max_wt = 600 self._male_mode_wt = 300 self._female_mode_wt = 250 self._mut_odds = 0.01 self._mut_min = 0.5 self._mut_max = 1.2 self._litter_sz = 8 self._litters_per_yr = 10 self._num_males = num_males self._num_females = num_females self._target_wt = target_wt self._gen_limit = gen_limit @property def min_wt(self): """int: Minimum weight of adult rat in initial population. Default is ``200``. """ return self._min_wt @min_wt.setter def min_wt(self, value: int): self._min_wt = value @property def max_wt(self): """int: Maximum weight of adult rat in initial population. Default is ``600``. """ return self._max_wt @max_wt.setter def max_wt(self, value: int): self._max_wt = value @property def male_mode_wt(self): """int: Most common adult male rat weight in initial population. Default is ``300``. """ return self._male_mode_wt @male_mode_wt.setter def male_mode_wt(self, value: int): self._male_mode_wt = value @property def female_mode_wt(self): """int: Most common adult female rat weight in initial population. Default is ``250``. """ return self._female_mode_wt @female_mode_wt.setter def female_mode_wt(self, value: int): self._female_mode_wt = value @property def mut_odds(self): """float: Probability of a mutation occurring in a pup. Default is ``0.01``. """ return self._mut_odds @mut_odds.setter def mut_odds(self, value: float): self._mut_odds = value @property def mut_min(self): """float: Scalar on rat weight of least beneficial mutation. Default is ``0.5``. """ return self._mut_min @mut_min.setter def mut_min(self, value: float): self._mut_min = value @property def mut_max(self): """float: Scalar on rat weight of most beneficial mutation. Default is ``1.2``. """ return self._mut_max @mut_max.setter def mut_max(self, value: float): self._mut_max = value @property def litter_sz(self): """int: Number of pups per pair of breeding rats. Default is ``8``. """ return self._litter_sz @litter_sz.setter def litter_sz(self, value: int): self._litter_sz = value @property def litters_per_yr(self): """int: Number of litters per year per pair of breeding rats. Default is ``10``. """ return self._litters_per_yr @litters_per_yr.setter def litters_per_yr(self, value: int): self._litters_per_yr = value @property def num_males(self): """int: Number of male rats in population. Default is ``4``. """ return self._num_males @num_males.setter def num_males(self, value: int): self._num_males = value @property def num_females(self): """int: Number of female rats in population. Default is ``16``. """ return self._num_females @num_females.setter def num_females(self, value: int): self._num_females = value @property def target_wt(self): """int: Target weight in grams. Default is ``50000``. """ return self._target_wt @target_wt.setter def target_wt(self, value: int): self._target_wt = value @property def gen_limit(self): """int: Generational cutoff to stop breeding program. Default is ``500``. """ return self._gen_limit @gen_limit.setter def gen_limit(self, value: int): self._gen_limit = value
[docs] def populate(self, pop_total: int, mode_wt: int) -> list: """Generate population with a triangular distribution of weights. Use :py:mod:`~random.triangular` to generate a population with a triangular distribution of weights based on **mode_wt**. Args: pop_total (int): Total number of rats in population. mode_wt (int): Most common adult rat weight in initial population. Returns: List of triangularly distributed weights of a given rat population. """ return [int(random.triangular(self._min_wt, self._max_wt, mode_wt)) for _ in range(pop_total)]
[docs] def get_population(self, num_males: int = None, num_females: int = None) -> dict: """Generate random population of rats. Wraps :func:`populate` using **num_males** and **num_females**. Args: num_males (int): Number of males in population. If :obj:`None`, defaults to instance value. num_females (int): Number of females in population. If :obj:`None`, defaults to instance value. Returns: Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and specimen weight in grams as values. """ if num_males is None: num_males = self._num_males if num_females is None: num_females = self._num_females population = { 'males': self.populate(num_males, self._male_mode_wt), 'females': self.populate(num_females, self._female_mode_wt) } return population
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_values(dictionary: dict) -> list: """Combine dictionary values. Combine values in a dictionary of lists into one list. Args: dictionary (dict): Dictionary of lists. Returns: List containing all values that were in **dictionary**. """ values = [] for value in dictionary.values(): values.extend(value) return values
[docs] def measure(self, population: dict) -> float: """Measure average weight of population against target. Calculate mean weight of **population** and divide by **target_wt** to determine if goal has been met. Args: population (dict): Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and specimen weight in grams as values. Returns: :py:obj:`float` representing decimal percentage of completion where a value of ``1`` is ``100%``, or complete. """ mean = statistics.mean(self.combine_values(population)) return mean / self._target_wt
[docs] def select(self, population: dict) -> dict: """Select largest members of population. Sort members in descending order, and then keep largest members up to instance values for **num_males** and **num_females**. Args: population (dict): Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and specimen weight in grams as values. Returns: Dictionary of lists of specified length of largest members of **population**. Examples: >>> from src.ch07.c1_breed_rats import BreedRats >>> sample_one = BreedRats(num_males = 4, num_females = 4) >>> s1_population = sample_one.get_population(num_males = 5, ... num_females = 10) >>> selected_population = >>> print(selected_population) {'males': [555, 444, 333, 222], 'females': [999, 888, 777, 666]} """ new_population = {'males': [], 'females': []} for gender in population: if gender == 'males': new_population[gender].extend( sorted(population[gender], reverse=True)[:self._num_males]) else: new_population[gender].extend( sorted(population[gender], reverse=True)[:self._num_females]) return new_population
[docs] def crossover(self, population: dict) -> dict: """Crossover genes among members (weights) of a population. Breed **population** where each breeding pair produces a litter of instance value for **litter_sz** pups. Pup's gender is assigned randomly. To accommodate mismatched pairs, breeding pairs are selected randomly, and once paired, females are removed from the breeding pool while males remain. Args: population (dict): Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and specimen weight in grams as values. Returns: Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and pup weight in grams as values. """ males = population['males'] females = population['females'].copy() litter = {'males': [], 'females': []} while females: male = random.choice(males) female = random.choice(females) for pup in range(self._litter_sz): larger, smaller = male, female if female > male: larger, smaller = female, male pup = random.randint(smaller, larger) if random.choice([0, 1]): litter['males'].append(pup) else: litter['females'].append(pup) females.remove(female) # Sort output for test consistency. for value in litter.values(): value.sort() return litter
[docs] def mutate(self, litter: dict) -> dict: """Randomly alter pup weights applying input odds as a scalar. For each pup in **litter**, randomly decide if a floating point number between instance values for **mut_min** and **mut_max** from :py:mod:`~random.uniform` will be used as a scalar to modified their weight. Args: litter (dict): Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and specimen weight in grams as values. Returns: Same dictionary of lists with weights potentially modified. """ for gender in litter: pups = litter[gender] for index, pup in enumerate(pups): if self._mut_odds >= random.random(): pups[index] = round(pup * random.uniform(self._mut_min, self._mut_max)) return litter
[docs] def simulate(self, population: dict) -> tuple: """Simulate genetic algorithm by breeding rats. Using **population**, repeat cycle of measure, select, crossover, and mutate until either **target_wt** or **gen_limit** are met. Args: population (dict): Dictionary of lists with ``males`` and ``females`` as keys and specimen weight in grams as values. Returns: Tuple containing list of average weights of generations and number of generations. Examples: >>> from src.ch07.c1_breed_rats import BreedRats >>> sample_one = BreedRats() >>> s1_population = sample_one.get_population() >>> ave_wt, generations = sample_one.simulate(s1_population) >>> print(generations) 248 """ generations = 0 ave_wt = [] match = self.measure(population) while match < 1 and generations < self._gen_limit: population = litter = self.crossover(population) litter = self.mutate(litter) for gender in litter: population[gender].extend(litter[gender]) match = self.measure(population) print(f'Generation {generations} match: {match * 100:.4f}%') ave_wt.append(int(statistics.mean( self.combine_values(population)))) generations += 1 return ave_wt, generations
[docs]def main(): """Demonstrate BreedRats class. Use default values to run a demonstration simulation and display time (in seconds) it took to run. """ start_time = time.time() experiment = BreedRats() population = experiment.get_population() match = experiment.measure(population) print(f'Initial population: {population}') print(f'Initial population match: {match * 100}%') print(f'Number of males, females to keep: {experiment.num_males}, ' f'{experiment.num_females}') ave_wt, generations = experiment.simulate(population) print(f'Average weight per generation: {ave_wt}') print(f'\nNumber of generations: {generations}') print(f'Number of years: {int(generations/experiment.litters_per_yr)}') end_time = time.time() duration = end_time - start_time print(f'Runtime for this program was {duration} seconds.')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()