
It is fantastic that classes can be taken for free, though a machine does all the grading. The only downside is there is little feedback, but that may be what the forums are for.

Included are my answers to the given problems. As I learn more about Python, I will go back and make corrections/improvements. Regardless, given these are tutorials, feedback is welcome.

CS101: Intro to Computer Science

These are sets of problems given in Udacity’s CS101 Course. Unfortunately, Python 2.x is used in the course, so these problem sets may not be forwards compatible.

The goal of the CS101 class is to create an Internet search engine from scratch in Python. The final is creating a social network in Python. Although the basics of Python are covered, I still recommend reading a primer on Python programming to better understand how programs are written.

To that end, I recommend Cracking Codes with Python by Al Sweigart because it demonstrates in-depth usage of strings, lists, and dictionaries with full explanations in a short-form book.