"""Text to Excel
Write a program to read in the contents of several text files (you can make
the text files yourself) and insert those contents into a spreadsheet, with
one line of text per row. The lines of the first text file will be in the
cells of column A, the lines of the second text file will be in the cells of
column B, and so on.
* Default folder is ``./p4files/``
* Default output file is ``textToExcel.xlsx``
[docs]def main():
import openpyxl
import os
FOLDER = "./p4files/"
# Open workbook
wb = openpyxl.Workbook()
sheet = wb.active
# Get list of files
filelist = os.listdir(FOLDER)
# Open file
for file in filelist:
with open(FOLDER + file) as fileObj:
index = 1
for line in fileObj:
# Transpose line into relevant workbook column
sheet.cell(row=index, column=(filelist.index(file) + 1)).value = line.strip()
index += 1
# Save workbook
if __name__ == '__main__':