Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch13.Projects.P4_PDFbreaker

"""PDF breaker

Say you have an encrypted PDF that you have forgotten the password to, but you
remember it was a single English word. Trying to guess your forgotten password
is quite a boring task. Instead you can write a program that will decrypt the
PDF by trying every possible English word until it finds one that works.

Create a list of word strings by reading dictionary.txt. Then loop over each word in
this list, passing it to :meth:`PyPDF2.PdfFileReader.decrypt`. If this method returns the integer
0, the password was wrong and your program should continue to the next password.
If :meth:`PyPDF2.PdfFileReader.decrypt` returns 1, then your program should break out of the loop and print
the hacked password. You should try both the uppercase and lowercase form of
each word.

    * Dictionary text file can be downloaded from
    * Default input file is 'allminutes_encrypted.pdf' generated by :py:mod:`.P3_combinePDFs` and


[docs]def main(): import PyPDF4 FILE = "../allminutes_encrypted.pdf" # Get dictionary with open("dictionary.txt") as file: words = # Load encrypted PDF pdfReader = PyPDF4.PdfFileReader(open(FILE, "rb")) if not pdfReader.isEncrypted: print("FileError: PDF is not encrypted") raise RuntimeError # Try each word in dictionary (upper and lower case) for word in words: # Print password, if found if pdfReader.decrypt(word) or pdfReader.decrypt(word.lower()): print("The password is either %s or %s" % (word, word.lower())) break else: continue if word == words[-1]: print("Failed to break PDF.")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()