Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch14.P3_removeCsvHeader

#! python3
"""Remove CSV header

Removes the header from all CSV files in the current working directory.

    Outputs to ``./headerRemoved`` directory.


[docs]def main(): import csv, os os.makedirs('headerRemoved', exist_ok=True) # Loop through every file in the current working directory. for csvFilename in os.listdir('.'): if not csvFilename.endswith(".csv"): continue # skip non-csv files print("Removing header from " + csvFilename + "...") # Read the CSV file in (skipping first row). csvRows = [] csvFileObj = open(csvFilename) readerObj = csv.reader(csvFileObj) for row in readerObj: if readerObj.line_num == 1: continue # skip first row csvRows.append(row) csvFileObj.close() # Write out the CSV file. csvFileObj = open(os.path.join('headerRemoved', csvFilename), 'w', newline='') csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFileObj) for row in csvRows: csvWriter.writerow(row) csvFileObj.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()