Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch15.P2_calcProd

#! python3
"""Calculate product

Uses :py:mod:`time` to profile a function that calculates the product of the first 100,000 numbers.

    * Added :py:mod:`cProfile` for an execution profile. Does add overhead, so not suitable
      for benchmarking.
    * Added :py:mod:`timeit` for accurate execution timing.


import time, cProfile, timeit

[docs]def calcProd() -> int: """Calculate product Calculates the product of the first 100000 integers using a :ref:`for <python:for>` loop. Returns: Integer product. """ product = 1 for i in range(1, 100000): product *= i return product
[docs]def main(): startTime = time.time() prod = calcProd() endTime = time.time() print('The result is %s digits long.' % (len(str(prod)))) print('Took %s seconds to calculate.' % (endTime - startTime)) time.sleep(1)'calcProd()') time.sleep(1) print(timeit.timeit('calcProd()', globals=globals())) # doesn't finish - maxes out 2GB RAM
if __name__ == '__main__': main()