Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch15.P7_multidownloadXkcd

#! python3
"""Multidownload XKCD

Downloads 1400 `XKCD`_ comics much faster by using :py:mod:`threading`.

    Default output directory is ``./xkcd``.

.. _XKCD:


[docs]def downloadXkcd(startComic: int, endComic: int) -> None: """Download XKCD Uses :py:mod:`requests` and :py:mod:`bs4` to download all comics in a given range. Args: startComic: Comic ID number to start from. endComic: Comic ID number to end at. Returns: None. Prints status updates and downloads comics to download directory. """ for urlNumber in range(startComic, endComic): # Download the page. print('Downloading page' % urlNumber) res = requests.get('' % urlNumber) res.raise_for_status() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text) # Find the URL of the comic image. comicElem ='#comic img') if not comicElem: print('Could not find comic image.') else: comicUrl = 'http:' + comicElem[0].get('src') # Download the image. print('Downloading image %s...' % comicUrl) res = requests.get(comicUrl) res.raise_for_status() # Save the image to ./xkcd. imageFile = open(os.path.join('xkcd', os.path.basename(comicUrl)), 'wb') for chunk in res.iter_content(100000): imageFile.write(chunk) imageFile.close()
[docs]def main(): import requests, os, bs4, threading os.makedirs('xkcd', exist_ok=True) # store comics in ./xkcd # Create and start the Thread objects. downloadThreads = [] # a list of all the Thread objects for i in range(0, 1400, 100): # loops 14 times, creates 14 threads downloadThread = threading.Thread(target=downloadXkcd, args=(i, i + 99)) downloadThreads.append(downloadThread) downloadThread.start() # Wait for all threads to end. for downloadThread in downloadThreads: downloadThread.join() print('Done.')
if __name__ == '__main__': main()