Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch15.Projects.P1_prettifiedStopwatch

"""Prettified stopwatch

Expand :py:mod:`.P3_stopwatch` from this chapter so that it uses :meth:`str.rjust` and
:meth:`str.ljust` string methods to “prettify” the output.

Instead of output such as this::

    Lap #1: 3.56 (3.56)
    Lap #2: 8.63 (5.07)
    Lap #3: 17.68 (9.05)
    Lap #4: 19.11 (1.43)

... the output will look like this::

    Lap # 1:  3.56 (  3.56)
    Lap # 2:  8.63 (  5.07)
    Lap # 3: 17.68 (  9.05)
    Lap # 4: 19.11 (  1.43)

Next, use :py:mod:`pyperclip` to copy the text output to the clipboard
so the user can quickly paste the output to a text file or email.


[docs]def main(): import time import pyperclip # Display the program's instructions print("Press ENTER to begin. Afterwards, press ENTER to 'click' the stopwatch. " "Press CTRL-C to quit.") input() # Press Enter to begin print('Started.') startTime = time.time() # Get the first lap's start time lastTime = startTime lapNum = 1 # Start tracking the lap times. try: while True: input() lapTime = round(time.time() - lastTime, 2) totalTime = round(time.time() - startTime, 2) output = 'Lap #' + str(lapNum).rjust(2) + ':' + str(totalTime).rjust(6) + ' (' + str(lapTime).rjust(6) + ')' print(output, end='') pyperclip.copy(output) # copy to clipboard lapNum += 1 lastTime = time.time() # reset the last lap time except KeyboardInterrupt: # Handle the CTRL-C exception to keep its error message from displaying. print("\nDone.")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()