Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch16.P1_sendingEmail

"""Sending email

This program uses :py:mod:`smtplib` to send emails.

    * ``smtp_info`` file has each item on a separate line.
    * Email address used is specially created for this chapter.
    * Use :func:`input` for password to prevent storing in unencrypted file.


[docs]def main(): # Connecting to an SMTP Server import smtplib with open('smtp_info') as config: email, password, server, port = smtp_obj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(server, port) # Using port 465 print(type(smtp_obj)) # Sending the SMTP "Hello" Message print(smtp_obj.ehlo()) # Logging in to the SMTP Server print(smtp_obj.login(email, password)) # Sending an Email unsent = smtp_obj.sendmail(email, '', 'Subject: Bot test.\nDear Myself,\nAlways remember that with great ' 'power comes great responsibility.\nRegards,\nYou') print(unsent.keys()) # Disconnecting from the SMTP Server print(smtp_obj.quit())
if __name__ == '__main__': main()