Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch16.P2_receivingEmail

"""Receiving email

This program uses :class:`imapclient.IMAPClient` and `pyzmail36`_ to retrieve emails.

    * ``imap_info`` file has each item on a separate line.
    * Email address used is specially created for this chapter.
    * Use :func:`input` for password to prevent storing in unencrypted file.

.. _pyzmail36:


[docs]def main(): # Connecting to an IMAP Server import imapclient with open('imap_info') as config: email, password, server, port = imap_obj = imapclient.IMAPClient(server, ssl=True) # Logging in to the IMAP Server print(imap_obj.login(email, password)) # Searching for Email import pprint # Don't do this, imports should be at the top of the file pprint.pprint(imap_obj.list_folders()) imap_obj.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=True) uids =['SINCE', '01-Jan-2015', 'NOT', 'FROM', '']) print(uids) # Increase size limit from 10,000 bytes to 10,000,000 bytes import imaplib imaplib._MAXLINE = 10000000 # Fetching an Email and Marking it as Read raw_messages = imap_obj.fetch(uids, ['BODY[]']) pprint.pprint(raw_messages) #imap_obj.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=False) # Allows marking as read when using fetch() # Getting Email Addresses from a Raw Message import pyzmail message = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(raw_messages[uids[0]][b'BODY[]']) print(message.get_subject()) print(message.get_addresses('from')) print(message.get_addresses('to')) print(message.get_addresses('cc')) print(message.get_addresses('bcc')) # Getting the Body from a Raw Message if message.text_part is not None: print(message.text_part.get_payload().decode(message.text_part.charset)) if message.html_part is not None: print(message.html_part.get_payload().decode(message.html_part.charset)) # Deleting Emails imap_obj.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=False) # Allows deleting of emails uids =['ON', '15-Sep-2018']) print(uids) print(imap_obj.delete_messages(uids)) print(imap_obj.expunge()) # Disconnecting from the IMAP Server imap_obj.logout()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()