Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch16.P4_sendSMS

"""Send SMS

This program uses `twilio`_ to send SMS messages to a phone number.

    * ``twilio_info`` file has each item on a separate line.
    * Use :func:`input` to prevent storing sensitive info in unencrypted file.

.. _twilio:


[docs]def main(): # Sending Text Messages from import Client with open('twilio_info') as config: accountSID, authToken, myTwilioNumber, myCellPhone = twilioCli = Client(accountSID, authToken) message = twilioCli.messages.create(body='Mr. Watson - Come here - I want to see you.', from_=myTwilioNumber, to=myCellPhone) print( print(message.from_) print(message.body) print(message.status) print(message.date_created) print(message.date_sent is None) print(message.sid) updatedMessage = twilioCli.messages(message.sid).fetch() print(updatedMessage.status) print(updatedMessage.date_sent)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()