Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch16.Projects.P4_autoDownloadTorrent

"""Auto download torrent

Write a program that checks an email account every 15 minutes for any instructions
you email it and executes those instructions automatically.

For example, BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer downloading system. Using free BitTorrent
software such as qBittorrent, you can download large media files on your home computer.
If you email the program a (completely legal, not at all piratical) BitTorrent link,
the program will eventually check its email, find this message, extract the link, and
then launch qBittorrent to start downloading the file. This way, you can have your
home computer begin downloads while you’re away, and the (completely legal, not at
all piratical) download can be finished by the time you return home.

    * Shutting down after downloading is considered "Hit 'n' run" and goes against torrenting.

        * Consider setting up a seed ratio limit and let it stop sharing afterward.

    * `Transmission`_ torrent client is used since it is available in `Ubuntu`_ by default.

        * A bash script is ultimately needed to shutdown Transmission.
        * Remote access is needed to run the bash script (hint).

.. _Transmission:

.. _Ubuntu:


import imapclient, imaplib, subprocess, smtplib, logging, pyzmail, datetime, time, bs4

# Setup logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='p4Log.txt', level=logging.DEBUG,
                    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
logging.disable(logging.CRITICAL)  # Stop logging, comment out to debug

# Increase size limit from 10,000 bytes to 10,000,000 bytes
imaplib._MAXLINE = 10000000

[docs]def login_smtp(file_arg: str) -> tuple: """Login SMTP Logs into SMTP server with credentials from given file, then returns the configured :class:`smtplib.SMTP_SSL` object and account email. Args: file_arg: String with path to SMTP server information file. Returns: Tuple with :class:`smtplib.SMTP_SSL` object and account email. """ # Login to SMTP server with open(file_arg) as config: email, password, server, port = smtp_obj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(server, port) # Using port 465 logging.debug(f'SMTP EHLO: {smtp_obj.ehlo()}') smtp_login = smtp_obj.login(email, password) logging.debug(f'SMTP Login: {smtp_login}') return smtp_obj, email
[docs]def login_imap(file_arg: str) -> imapclient.IMAPClient: """Login IMAP Logs into IMAP server with credentials from given file, then returns the configured :class:`imapclient.IMAPClient` object. Args: file_arg: String with path to IMAP server information file. Returns: Configured :class:`imapclient.IMAPClient` object. """ # Login to IMAP server with open(file_arg) as config: email, password, server, port = imap_obj = imapclient.IMAPClient(server, ssl=True) imap_login = imap_obj.login(email, password) logging.debug(f'IMAP login: {imap_login}') return imap_obj
[docs]def fetch_emails(imap_obj_arg: imapclient.IMAPClient) -> tuple: """Fetch emails Gets emails from IMAP server and returns the email's uids and their raw messages. Args: imap_obj_arg: Configured :class:`imapclient.IMAPClient` object from :meth:`login_imap`. Returns: Tuple with a list of message uids and a dictionary of raw messages with message uids as keys. """ # Get emails from server imap_obj_arg.select_folder('INBOX', readonly=False) # Enable mark as read and delete today = interval = datetime.timedelta(days=1) yesterday = (today - interval).strftime('%d-%b-%Y') uids =['SINCE', yesterday]) logging.debug(f'UIDs: {uids}') raw_messages = imap_obj_arg.fetch(uids, ['BODY[]']) return uids, raw_messages
[docs]def fetch_torrents(uids_arg: list, raw_messages_arg: dict) -> dict: """Fetch torrents Takes given list of message uids and dictionary of raw messages from :meth:`fetch_emails` and parses out the torrent urls. Args: uids_arg: List of message uids. raw_messages_arg: Dictionary of raw messages with message uids as keys and message data as values. Returns: Dictionary with message uids as keys and the torrent url string as values. """ urls = {} for uid in uids_arg: message = pyzmail.PyzMessage.factory(raw_messages_arg[uid][b'BODY[]']) subject = message.get_subject()'Current subject line: {subject}') # Check subject line for command and password if (message.html_part is not None) and ('torrent bot' and 'password' in subject.lower()):'Accessing UID#{uid}: {subject} from: {message.get_address("from")}...') # Soupify message html = message.html_part.get_payload().decode(message.html_part.charset) soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') # Look for torrent link in email body anchors ='a')'Anchor list: {anchors}') for anchor in anchors: url = anchor.get('href') if url.endswith('.torrent') or url.startswith('magnet:'): urls[uid] = url else: logging.error(f'RuntimeError: Email is not HTML, missing command, or password.\n' f'Skipping UID#{uid}: {subject} from: {message.get_address("from")}') continue return urls
[docs]def autodownload_torrent(url_arg: str) -> None: """Auto download torrent Starts :py:mod:`subprocess` with Transmission client and waits until given torrent url is downloaded. Args: url_arg: String with url of torrent to download. Returns: None. Torrent client specifies where torrent is downloaded to. Note: Configured specifically for `Transmission`_ torrent client in `Ubuntu`_. .. _Transmission: .. _Ubuntu: """ # Send link to torrent client'Opening: {url_arg}') torrent_proc = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/bin/transmission-gtk', url_arg]) # Wait for torrent client to finish download torrent_proc.wait() if torrent_proc.poll() is None: logging.error('Torrent client did not quit properly.')
[docs]def main():'Start of program') wait_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) time.sleep(wait_time.total_seconds()) imap_obj = login_imap('../imap_info') uids, raw_messages = fetch_emails(imap_obj) urls = fetch_torrents(uids, raw_messages) if urls == {} or uids == []: logging.error('No torrents to download.') print('No torrents to download.') return False smtp_obj, email = login_smtp('../smtp_info') for uid in urls.keys(): url = urls[uid] # Compose and send start email'Starting torrent...') message = 'Subject: Starting torrent\nGreetings!\nI have received instructions ' \ 'to download\n %s\n\nRegards,\nTorrent Bot' % url unsent = smtp_obj.sendmail(email, '', message) logging.debug(f'Unsent emails: {unsent}') autodownload_torrent(url) # Compose and send end email'Torrent finished...') message = 'Subject: Finished torrent\nGreetings!\nI have finished downloading\n %s\n' \ '\nRegards,\nTorrent Bot' % url unsent = smtp_obj.sendmail(email, '', message) logging.debug(f'Unsent emails: {unsent}') # Mark completed command email for deletion'Deleting UID#{uid}...') delete = imap_obj.delete_messages(uid) logging.debug(f'Marked for deletion: {delete}') # Delete marked emails deleted = imap_obj.expunge() logging.debug(f'Deleted: {deleted}') # Disconnect from SMTP server smtp_logoff = smtp_obj.quit() logging.debug(f'SMTP Logoff: {smtp_logoff}') # Disconnect from IMAP server imap_logoff = imap_obj.logout() logging.debug(f'IMAP Logoff: {imap_logoff}')'End of program')
# If run directly (instead of imported), run main() if __name__ == '__main__': main()