Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch18.P3_mouseInteraction

"""Mouse interaction

This program uses :py:mod:`PyAutoGUI` to control mouse interaction.


[docs]def main(): import pyautogui, time # Clicking the Mouse # No delay, so don't blink, 150, button='left'), 5), 250, button='right') pyautogui.rightClick(20, 25), 350, button='middle') pyautogui.middleClick(30, 35) pyautogui.mouseDown() # pushes left button down at current location pyautogui.mouseUp() # releases left button at current location pyautogui.doubleClick() # double click left button # Scrolling the Mouse pyautogui.scroll(200) # Units vary depending on OS and application import pyperclip # imports should be at top of file numbers = '' for i in range(200): numbers = numbers + str(i) + '\n' pyperclip.copy(numbers) # 200 lines of numbers time.sleep(10) # time to paste the lines in a text editor pyautogui.scroll(100)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()