"""Total brought
This program totals everything being brought to a picnic
by storing the guest's names and items brought as a :obj:`dict` of :obj:`dicts <dict>`.
allGuests (dict): Dictionary of dictionaries with guest names as keys and values of
dictionaries with items as keys and number of items as values.
allGuests = {'Alice': {'apples': 5, 'pretzels': 12},
'Bob': {'ham sandwiches': 3, 'apples': 2},
'Carol': {'cups': 3, 'apple pies': 1}}
[docs]def totalBrought(guests: dict, item: str) -> int:
"""Total brought
Totals given item from given guest dictionary and returns result.
guests: Dictionary with guest's names and what they are bringing.
item: Specific item in guest dictionary that is to be totaled.
Integer total of given item that will be brought.
numBrought = 0
"""int: Total of given item brought."""
for k, v in guests.items():
numBrought += v.get(item, 0)
return numBrought
[docs]def main():
print('Number of things being brought:')
print(' - Apples ' + str(totalBrought(allGuests, 'apples')))
print(' - Cups ' + str(totalBrought(allGuests, 'cups')))
print(' - Cakes ' + str(totalBrought(allGuests, 'cakes')))
print(' - Ham Sandwiches ' + str(totalBrought(allGuests, 'ham sandwiches')))
print(' - Apple Pies ' + str(totalBrought(allGuests, 'apple pies')))
if __name__ == '__main__':