Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuffWithPython.Chapter04.P01_allMyCats1

"""All my cats 1.0

This program inefficiently showcases your cats by prompting for user input for each cat.


[docs]def main(): print('Enter the name of cat 1: ') catName1 = input() print('Enter the name of cat 2: ') catName2 = input() print('Enter the name of cat 3: ') catName3 = input() print('Enter the name of cat 4: ') catName4 = input() print('Enter the name of cat 5: ') catName5 = input() print('Enter the name of cat 6: ') catName6 = input() print('The cat names are:') print(catName1 + ' ' + catName2 + ' ' + catName3 + ' ' + catName4 + ' ' + catName5 + ' ' + catName6)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()