Source code for CrackingCodes.Ch04.reverseCipher

"""Reverse Cipher (BSD Licensed)

    Pretty much the same, except I use double quotes,
    expand variable names for readability, simplify the while loop, and use fancier operators

[docs]def main(): message = "Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead." #message = input("Enter message: ") # Allow users to enter message translated = "" index = len(message) while index: index -= 1 # equivalent to index = index - 1 translated += message[index] #print("index is", i, ", message[index] is", message[index], ", translated is", translated) #DEBUG print(translated)
# Decrypt example # Was going to make a function out of it so it's easier, but I # didn't want to change it more than I already did. (^_^;) #print(translated[::-1]) # a step of -1 reverses the string if __name__ == '__main__': main()