"""Chapter 21 Practice Questions
Answers Chapter 21 Practice Questions via Python code.
from pythontutorials.books.CrackingCodes.Ch18.vigenereCipher import decryptMessage
[docs]def main():
# 1. Why isn't a one-time pad program presented in this chapter?
# Hint: Check page 315
message = "Pxronhs mws hcs-mxax eow rwiwsk xg mws lpax pg mws Oxuxcskt Qbevxg!" # Encrypted with key "OTP"
#print(decryptMessage(blank, blank)) # Fill in the blanks
# 2. Which cipher is the two-time pad equivalent to?
# Hint: Check page 319
message = "Mat mpd-mbbx ipw bh xjjbopexcm md mat Obvxgtkx Rbiwxk!" # Encrypted with key "TTP"
#print(decryptMessage(blank, blank)) # Fill in the blanks
# 3. Would using a key twice as long as the plaintext message make the one-
# time pad twice as secure?
# Hint: Check page 317, but a more specific explanation is on the website
message = "Xs, zpgnall dlc cifz zvow syyfkw. Pd mq uyfz tz ciafvr." # Encrypted with key "KEYLENGTH"
#print(decryptMessage(blank, blank)) # Fill in the blanks
# If PracticeQuestions.py is run (instead of imported as a module), call
# the main() function:
if __name__ == '__main__':