Source code for CrackingCodesWithPython.Chapter03.PracticeQuestions

"""Chapter 3 Practice Questions

Answers Chapter 3 Practice Questions via Python code.

[docs]def main(): spam = "Cats" # 1. If you assign spam = "Cats", what do the following lines print? print(spam + spam + spam) print(spam * 3) # 2. What do the following lines print? print("Dear Alice, \nHow are you?\nSincerely,\nBob") print("Hello" + "Hello") spam = "Four score and seven years is eighty seven years." # 3. If you assign spam = "Four score and seven years is eighty seven years.", # what would each of the following lines print? print(spam[5]) print(spam[-3]) print(spam[0:4] + spam[5]) print(spam[-3:-1]) print(spam[:10]) print(spam[-5:]) print(spam[:]) # 4. Which window displays the >>> prompt, the interactive shell or the file editor? # Hint: Check page 30 answers = ["interactive shell", "file editor"] print("The window that displays the >>> prompt is the %s." % answers[-2 + 5 * 7 * 9 * 0])
# 5. What does the following line print? #print("Hello, world!") # If is run (instead of imported as a module), call # the main() function: if __name__ == '__main__': main()