""" Chapter 5 Practice Question 2
Using caesarCipher.py, decrypt the following ciphertexts with the given keys
Contains spoilers for Chapter 7 (functions)
import pythontutorials.books.CrackingCodesWithPython.Chapter05.PracticeQuestions.Question1 as Question1
[docs]def main():
ciphertexts = ["Kv?uqwpfu?rncwukdng?gpqwijB",
"XCBSw88S18A1S 2SB41SE .8zSEwAS50D5A5x81V",
keys = [2, 22, 6]
for index in range(len(keys)):
print(Question1.caesarCipher(keys[index], ciphertexts[index], "decrypt"))
# If Question2.py is run (instead of imported as a module), call
# the main() function:
if __name__ == '__main__':