"""Chapter 20 Practice Questions
Answers Chapter 20 Practice Questions via Python code.
[docs]def main():
# 1. What is a dictionary attack?
# Hint: Check page 279
from pythontutorials.books.CrackingCodesWithPython.Chapter20.vigenereDictionaryHacker import hackVigenereDictionary
answer = "A ukuvo-fhkcg wemaof esbgg gfekr wqbd bg tjo dbvtkyntky cc a dxy."
# 2. What does Kasiski examination of a ciphertext reveal?
# Hint: Check page 282
# Don't do this - imports should be at the top of the file
from pythontutorials.books.CrackingCodesWithPython.Chapter20.vigenereHacker import hackVigenere
answer = "Uakqkuq oxsuaxidigv ac i zrgkwca dhsb oo kkn maw dw nelmjwqxe lpw vmxglp gp bre Nqyovorw swi ccev bg ovmrqxl k kspzmjdmht. Om ukv dhwv mcm prwymovmy svsvgcik bg lzoac msmp yf lpw cclkwgk svnehmfnmxtdg."
# 3. What two changes happen when converting a list value to a set value
# with the set() function?
# Hint: Check page 298, but you'll need to go to the website for the second change
answer = "Vyidmvsxx neemil svx jifgzxv egv xaw skvik gj mzi ospnww bk phkx (nfpbci eawmk, ztdyxk mg kimk hh fsm zeow eg gvwwv)"
# 4. If the spam variable contains ['cat', 'dog', 'mouse', 'dog'], this
# list has four items in it. How many items does the list returned from
# list(set(spam)) have?
# Hint: Check page 298
spam = ['cat', 'dog', 'mouse', 'dog']
spam = list(set(spam))
print("Spam contains %s and has %s items." % (spam, len(spam)))
# 5. What does the following code print?
# Hint: Check page 306
print('Hello', end='')
# If PracticeQuestions.py is run (instead of imported as a module), call
# the main() function:
if __name__ == '__main__':