AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10 package¶
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P1_boxPrint module¶
This program prints out a box based on input sizes.
(symbol: str, width: int, height: int) → None[source]¶ Box print
Prints a box of given width and height using the given symbol.
Parameters: - symbol – String to use to make sides of box.
- width – Integer width of box.
- height – Integer height of box.
Returns: None. Prints box to specified dimensions.
Raises: Exception – If symbol != 1 or if either width or height <= 2.
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P2_errorExample module¶
Error Example
This program raises an exception and automatically displays the traceback.
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P3_writeLogfile module¶
Write logfile
This program raises an exception but outputs traceback to a logfile.
Default logfile is errorInfo.txt
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P4_podBayDoor module¶
Pod Bay Door
This program raises an AssertionError
Correction submitted for line 13
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P5_trafficLight module¶
Traffic light
This program emulates traffic lights at intersections with assertions.
¶ Stoplight at the corner of Market and 2nd streets with North-South face and East-West face as keys.
Type: dict
¶ Stoplight at the corner of Mission and 16th streets with North-South face and East-West face as keys.
Type: dict
(stoplight: dict) → None[source]¶ Switch lights
Takes stoplight dictionary and changes values: from ‘green’ to ‘yellow’, ‘yellow’ to ‘red’, and ‘red’ to ‘green’.
Parameters: stoplight – Dictonary representing stoplight with face directions as keys and status as values. Returns: None. Changes dictionary values. Raises: AssertionError – If none of the dictionary values are ‘red’.
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P6_factorialLog module¶
Factorial log
This program calculates factorial and logs debug messages.
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P7_buggyAddingProgram module¶
Buggy adding program
This program adds three user inputted numbers and displays the sum.
May not work as expected.
AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P8_coinFlip module¶
Coin flip
This program simulates flipping a coin 1000 times and prints the number of times it landed on heads.