Source code for AutomateTheBoringStuff.Ch10.P1_boxPrint


This program prints out a box based on input sizes.


[docs]def boxPrint(symbol: str, width: int, height: int) -> None: """Box print Prints a box of given width and height using the given symbol. Args: symbol: String to use to make sides of box. width: Integer width of box. height: Integer height of box. Returns: None. Prints box to specified dimensions. Raises: Exception: If `symbol` != 1 or if either `width` or `height` <= 2. """ if len(symbol) != 1: raise Exception("Symbol must be a single character string.") if width <= 2: raise Exception("Width must be greater than 2.") if height <= 2: raise Exception("Height must be greater than 2.") print(symbol * width) for i in range(height - 2): print(symbol + (' ' * (width - 2)) + symbol) print(symbol * width)
[docs]def main(): for sym, w, h in (('*', 4, 4), ('O', 20, 5), ('x', 1, 3), ("ZZ", 3, 3)): try: boxPrint(sym, w, h) except Exception as err: print("An exception happened: " + str(err))
if __name__ == '__main__': main()