CrackingCodes.Ch14 package


CrackingCodes.Ch14.PracticeQuestions module

Chapter 14 Practice Questions

Answers Chapter 14 Practice Questions via Python code.


CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher module

Affine Cipher

Provides functions that implement affine cipher encryption and decryption.


String containing all symbols that can be encrypted/decrypted.



>>> import pythontutorials.books.CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher as affineCipher
>>> someString = 'Enthusiasm is contagious. Not having enthusiasm is also contagious.'
>>> key = affineCipher.getRandomKey()  # key = 921, in this example
>>> affineCipher.encryptMessage(key, someString)


CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher.checkKeys(keyA: int, keyB: int, mode: str) → None[source]

Checks keys for validity.

Prevents keyA from being 1 and keyB from being 0 (if encrypting). Makes sure keyA is relatively prime with the length of SYMBOLS. Ensures keyA is greater than 0 and that keyB is between 0 and length of SYMBOLS.

  • keyA – Integer integral of the original key after floor division by length of SYMBOLS.
  • keyB – Integer remainder of the original key after modulus by length of SYMBOLS.
  • mode – String specifying whether to ‘encrypt’ or ‘decrypt’.

None if successful, exits program with error message otherwise.

CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher.decryptMessage(key: int, message: str) → str[source]

Affine cipher decryption

Decrypts given affine cipher encrypted message with given key.

  • key – Integer decryption key to decrypt affine cipher.
  • message – Message string to decrypt.

Decrypted message string.

CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher.encryptMessage(key: int, message: str) → str[source]

Affine cipher encryption

Encrypts given message with given key using the affine cipher.

  • key – Integer encryption key to encrypt with affine cipher.
  • message – Message string to encrypt.

Encrypted message string.

CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher.getKeyParts(key: int) -> (<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>)[source]

Split key into parts

Splits key into keyA and keyB via floor division and modulus by length of SYMBOLS.

Parameters:key – Integer key used to encrypt message.
Returns:Tuple containing the integral and remainder.
CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineCipher.getRandomKey() → int[source]

Affine cipher key generator

Generates a random key that can be used with the affine cipher.

Returns:Random, valid integer key

CrackingCodes.Ch14.affineKeyTest module

Test affine cipher keyspace

This program proves that the keyspace of the affine cipher is limited to less than len(SYMBOLS) ^ 2.


Tests every key from 2 through 80 and prints it with the encrypted message if the key and length of SYMBOLS have a gcd.


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