CrackingCodes.Ch20 package


CrackingCodes.Ch20.PracticeQuestions module

Chapter 20 Practice Questions

Answers Chapter 20 Practice Questions via Python code.


CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereDictionaryHacker module

Vigenère Cipher Dictionary Hacker

Implements a function that can hack a Vigenère cipher encrypted message using a dictionary.


String with absolute location of dictionary.txt file.

CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereDictionaryHacker.hackVigenereDictionary(ciphertext: str)[source]

Hack Vigenère Dictionary

Brute-forces ciphertext by using every word in the dictionary file as a key. Checks if decrypted message is English with the isEnglish() module, and prompts user for confirmation by displaying first 100 characters.

Parameters:ciphertext – String containing Vigenère cipher encrypted message.
Returns:Decrypted message, if confirmed, None otherwise.

CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker module

Vigenère Cipher Hacker

Implements a series of functions that can hack a Vigenère cipher encrypted message by brute-forcing key lengths.


String with uppercase latin letters.


Will not attempt keys longer than this.


Attempt this many letters per subkey.


If set to True, program doesn’t print anything.


Regular expression object representing all non-letter characters.

CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.attemptHackWithKeyLength(ciphertext: str, mostLikelyKeyLength: int)[source]

Attempt hack with key length

Brute-forces ciphertext using every key of a given length, checks if decrypted message is English with the isEnglish() module, and prompts user for confirmation by displaying first 200 characters.

  • ciphertext – String with encrypted message.
  • mostLikelyKeyLength – Integer representing the length of the key used to encrypt message.

Decrypted message, if confirmed, None otherwise.


CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.findRepeatSequencesSpacings(message: str) → dict[source]

Find spacing between repeat sequences

Goes through the message and finds any 3- to 5-letter sequences that are repeated. Then counts the number of letters between the repeated sequences.

Parameters:message – String with message to find repeat sequence spacing.
Returns:Dictionary with the keys of the sequence and values of a list of spacings (num of letters between the repeats).
CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.getItemAtIndexOne(x: tuple) → int[source]

Get item at index one

Helper function that returns the second element of given tuple.

Parameters:x – Tuple with integers as values.
Returns:Second element of x.
CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.getMostCommonFactors(seqFactors: dict) → list[source]

Get most common factors

Counts how often each factor in the seqFactors dictionary occurs and returns a list of tuples with each factor and its count.

Parameters:seqFactors – Dictionary with 3- to 5- letter sequences as keys and the factors of the spacings between them as values.
Returns:A list of tuples of each factor and its count.
CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.getNthSubkeysLetters(nth: int, keyLength: int, message: str) → str[source]

Get nth subkeys letters

Gets every nth letter for each set of letters of a given length in a given text.

  • nth – Integer representing desired letter in message (similar to an index number).
  • keyLength – Integer representing length of key to use (spacing between nth letters).
  • message – String containing text to extract subkey letters from.

String with every nth letter for each specified key length.


>>> getNthSubkeysLetters(1, 3, 'ABCABCABC')
>>> getNthSubkeysLetters(2, 3, 'ABCABCABC')
>>> getNthSubkeysLetters(3, 3, 'ABCABCABC')
>>> getNthSubkeysLetters(1, 5, 'ABCDEFGHI')
CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.getUsefulFactors(num: int) → list[source]

Get useful factors

Returns a list of useful factors of num. By “useful” we mean factors less than MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1 and not 1.

Parameters:num – Integer to get useful factors of.
Returns:List of useful factors, if found, empty list otherwise.


>>> getUsefulFactors(144)
[2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16]
CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.hackVigenere(ciphertext: str)[source]

Hack vigenere

Hacks Vigenère cipher encrypted message using likely key lengths, otherwise all possible key lengths.

Parameters:ciphertext – String containing Vigenère cipher encrypted message.
Returns:Decrypted message, if confirmed, None otherwise.
CrackingCodes.Ch20.vigenereHacker.kasiskiExamination(ciphertext: str) → list[source]

Kasiski Examination

Uses Kasiski Examination to determine the likely length of the key used to encrypt the given ciphertext.

Parameters:ciphertext – String containing encrypted message.
Returns:List of likely key lengths used to encrypt message.

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